Our weight loss program integrates Semaglutide or Tirzepatide injections—groundbreaking medications initially designed for individuals dealing with chronic weight management issues and as insulin boosters for those managing diabetes.
Both medications function as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists, mirroring the effects of GLP-1, a hormone crucial for regulating blood sugar levels and appetite. Tirzepatide also targets the glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) receptor, another hormone involved in blood sugar regulation.
Dr. Hanley, a triple board-certified physician, leads our medical weight loss program with advanced expertise in obesity medicine.
Her Obesity Board Certification comes after completing a year-long fellowship with The Obesity Medicine Association (OMA) and passing a rigorous four-hour board examination to earn her Board Certification from the American Board of Obesity Medicine (ABOM).
Her specialized training recognizes obesity as a unique disease process and focuses on four key pillars of obesity management:
These are principles that La Boussole has always emphasized, but Dr. Hanley wanted to formalize her expertise to ensure our weight loss program continues to offer patients the full spectrum of evidence-based treatments, enhancing their weight loss journeys.
Your weight management journey begins with an initial appointment where we establish your health history, goals, and program expectations, along with conducting baseline bloodwork and follow-up testing as needed.
La Boussole is with you every step of the way, offering:
✔ Individual counseling, support, and customized nutritional planning led by a Nurse Practitioner
✔ Comprehensive results tracking and in-person check-ins to monitor:
All these elements are designed to help you achieve lasting success.
In addition to medical weight management, La Boussole’s Compass Wellness Weight Management Program offers:
✔ Monthly IM Vitamin Boosters to enhance overall wellness
✔ Quench IV Infusion Therapy to support hydration and energy levels